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The Collaborative International Dictionary

chew \chew\ (ch[udd]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chewed (ch[udd]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Chewing.] [As ce['o]wan, akin to D. kauwen, G. kauen. Cf. Chaw, Jaw.]

  1. To bite and grind with the teeth; to masticate.

  2. To ruminate mentally; to meditate on.

    He chews revenge, abjuring his offense.

    To chew the cud, to chew the food over again, as a cow; to ruminate; hence, to meditate.

    Every beast the parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the cleft into two claws, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that ye shall eat.
    --Deut. xxiv. 6.

  1. that has been chewed; masticated v

  2. (en-past of: chew)

Usage examples of "chewed".

Cord held the reins while the stallion tugged and snorted and chewed on the bit.

He replaced the cover with a generous amount of scraping and thumping, stuffed the slightly chewed comb into his pocket and, after a slight detour to the bedside table, went to answer the door.

Seemed like every time he turned around, one ranch machine or another chewed up a hose part or something.

She was too grateful to tell him to shove it when he chewed on her for no better reason than she was there and he was mad clear through.

And if an innocent girl got chewed up in the process, well, too bad, how sad, and nobody asked to be born anyway.

He chewed thoughtfully, savoring the intense flavor of the shell and the succulence of the flesh.

While the computer chewed on his request, he walked back to his pocket-sized kitchen, opened the microwave, and grabbed a fork from a nearby drawer.

Along the way, Walker had chewed on Lot more than once, hoping to talk – or knock some sense into him.

She bit into a succulent rib and chewed thoughtfully, as though comparing southern barbecue with the Hunan her grandmother made.

The before ones were ratty, chewed, dirty, with their ink all but illegible and their colors faded to whispers.

If that same business chewed up Golden Boy and spit him out like a bad taste… well, sometimes you got lucky.

He shoveled in the first of the food, chewed, and said, "So the boys questioned the bums —excuse me, the domicile-challenged —and found out nothing.

He chewed his last peanut butter and cheese cracker, washed it down with more coffee, and waited for someone to pull his finger out and start the whole time-wasting dance.

While he chewed, he listened, waiting for the instant when the same facts assembled in a different way would lead to new insights, new suspects, something.

The captain bent over the calculator, frowned and chewed the tip of his tongue as he worked the controls.