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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Usage examples of "champetre".

I saw the Seine distinctly in the sunlight, and, coming along a path, the garde champetre of the district, who with his right hand touched his kepi braided in silver.

In the morning, “Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael: Masterworks in the Louvre‘, and in the afternoon, ”Giorgione’s Concert Champetre and Titian’s Laura Dianti: The Cinquecento in Venice’, all to be accompanied by slides illuminating points of brushwork and technique.

Here our young Englishmen enjoyed, as they supposed, a glimpse of American society, which was distributed over the measureless expanse in a variety of sedentary attitudes, and appeared to consist largely of pretty young girls, dressed as if for a fete champetre, swaying to and fro in rocking chairs, fanning themselves with large straw fans, and enjoying an enviable exemption from social cares.

And so the festive meeting took place near the headwaters of the Onion River south of High Vrazel, in a pretty part of the forest where the bulbuls sang amid the giant ferns and blossoming trees dropped petals on a scene of rustic splendor The King and Queen of the Firvulag, sixty of their most discreet courtiers, an honor guard of Wamor Ogres and Ogresses, and almost the entire strength of the royal culinary corps starred in a day-long fete champetre that completely overawed the innocent Howlers.