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Usage examples of "cerulea".

It is my sad duty to inform you that a young soldier of the Federation’s 73rd Army has been killed, not on the Syccan battle front, but right here on Cerulea by the very traitors to which I have referred, by fellow men whose lives he was dedicated to protect.

Farrell, now attached to Cerulea No 1, and who is of course a nephew of Supreme President Berkeley H.

You’ll enjoy a stay on Cerulea old Howard Grenoble has an excellent table and a firstclass cellar”.

On Cerulea itself, the civilian population was completely unaware of what had happened laggard light would take over a year to paint the sky with the alien’s death trail but in the military city of the base there was feverish activity as the implications of the attack were considered.

Either the Syccans had pinpointed Cerulea as the planning centre for the conduct of the war.

Hal’s memories told him she was resident at the University of Cerulea, doing postgraduate research in psychohistory.

The number of the University of Cerulea was stored in Hal’s memory, so he punched it in quickly while his cheeks cooled down.