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censhare is a commercial Information and Publishing System in the form of an Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) by the German software manufacturer censhare AG. It integrates all of the entered media information in a single system, organizes content and automates the respective processes. The censhare Publishing System is an Editorial System as well as a Web Content Management System. It can be used for cross-media publishing of content in different media such as Multi Format Publishing, Cross-Media Publishing and Multi Channel Publishing. The system is used in media houses and other companies and institutions for the generation and output of content in conventional, standard communication media, as well as for corporate communication, marketing, brand management, multichannel marketing, the processing of sales publications and for collaboration. On a technical level the content, templates, layouts, structures and user accounts are stored and managed separately in a central graph database.

The censhare system is regarded as a "Global Publishing“ product and ranks among the eight leading publishing systems worldwide.