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The Collaborative International Dictionary

CB \CB\ n. same as citizens' band; that portion of the radio frequency spectrum allocated by the FCC for the use of individual citizens for short-distance personal or business use, from either fixed or mobile stations. Also used attributively, as

CB radio. [acronym]

Syn: Citizens' Band.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1959, abbreviation of citizens' band (radio).


init. 1 2 Confined to barracks (a punishment in the army). 3 Chemical and Biological 4 (context Canada English) Cape Breton


CB and variants may refer to:

Usage examples of "cb".

One Partridge report which was not aired involved a criticism of negative personal opinion presented in a news context by the venerable Walter Cronkite, then anchorman for CBS.

Also taught was unarmed self defense-something Jessica had urged her husband to learn after a savage attack on the CBS anchorman Dan Rather on a New York street in 1986.

CBS Standards and Practices, demanding to know why they had censored Hicks.

Therefore, your criticism that CBS censored the program is totally without foundation.

We knew that CBS would in all likelihood honor its commitment to have me make a record in English.

CBS News alone announced eighteen times that the polls were closed in Florida during the last hour the polls were still open.

Republican at Fox News can trump the propagandistic effect of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC combined and swing a presidential election, the Democrats may as well give up right now.

Murrow, the celebrated CBS newsman, and Kenneth Arnold, a civilian pilot who saw something peculiar near Mount Rainier in the state of Washington on 24 June 1947 and who in a way coined the phrase.

From there he went to Dallas, then Denver, where he won an Emmy covering a skyjacking, and then to the New York local CBS affiliate, where he won another Emmy for investigative reporting.

Within the next fifteen minutes, ABC, NBC and CBS all carried bulletins including short segments of the Jessica tape.

CBS was hosting that night at the Bonaventure to promote its new midseason sitcom.

Meanwhile CBA, more than other networks, kept the kidnap story aggressively alive, using a technique borrowed from rival CBS.

Part II was the story blown off by the CBS Nightly News about an additional 40,000-plus voters whom Jeb Bush barred from voting.

BC, NBC and CBS all carried bulletins including short segments of the Jessica tape.

California insurance lawyer Gordon Park told CBS, "What they would do is throw a brick through their front window and say, 'Ok, gosh, I got burglarized.