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cash registers

n. (cash register English)

Usage examples of "cash registers".

Passing through the main entrance, he found the lines at the cash registers stretched almost to the door.

They work at cash registers, sell things, pick up their paychecks.

He'd taken a fall near one of the cash registers and had collided with a can of tomato soup.

Bangalore-born programmers in Silicon Valley design numberless cash registers for fast-food restaurants so they can be operated by illiterate Texans.

The MO was identical in all four cases: liquor stores catering to upper-crust negroes were hit at night, half an hour before closing, when the cash registers were full.

A woman was standing at one of the cash registers paying for her idea of a picture, while her son lay beneath her kicking and heaving, having a tantrum.

She could lurk near the cash registers and try to recognize her list, if they still had it clipped to the coupons.