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n. (context uncommon historical English) A load: various English units of weight or volume based upon standardized cartloads of certain commodities.


Carrus ( Latin for "cart" or "cartload") may refer to:

Usage examples of "carrus".

And Monica had been talking to Carri about buying her old VW Cabri, but she really wanted somebody who knew about cars to look at it first.

Carri said to tell you that if you're really interested she'll sell you the Cabri for four.

Carri says she'll sell me her Cabri for four grand, and Mom says that sounds okay to her, and Dad says he'll go half if Mom goes half, and they both say it sounds like a good birthday present, but I don't know if the car's any good.

I carri dei mercanti avevano già spianato i cumuli di neve, e così poterono procedere spediti.