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calling to mind

vb. (present participle of call to mind English)

Usage examples of "calling to mind".

Made of stout steel, the plow was beautifully shaped, calling to mind the prow of a graceful clipper ship.

Slender filaments that glistened in the sunlight linked them, calling to mind images he’.

By which entertaining argument Piero, the judge, and Neri who had wagered the supper, and all the rest, calling to mind the Baronci's ugliness, were so tickled, that they fell a laughing, and averred that Scalza was in the right, and that he had won the wager, and that without a doubt the Baronci were the best gentlemen, and of the longest descent, not merely in Florence, but in the world and the Maremma to boot.

For which cause the good woman, calling to mind Adriano's embrace, accounted herself the only one that had watched.

The most devout king David danced with all his might before the Ark of God, calling to mind the benefits granted to his forefathers in days past.

Bashir tried to keep himself oriented, calling to mind the careful traceries of Talis Cedra's amateur map.

Arriguccio could but gaze upon her, as one that had taken leave of his wits, calling to mind how he had pummelled her about the face times without number, and scratched it for her, and mishandled her in all manner of ways, and there he now saw her with no trace of aught of it all upon her.