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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He was caught burgling the house of a police officer.
▪ A jemmy might suggest the murderer had gone to burgle the premises.
▪ He could not see too much that could be done quickly about the criminals who travelled from Wearside and Tyneside to burgle.
▪ There were far more profitable houses to burgle within a stone's throw of her own modest establishment.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

burgle \burgle\ v. [by back-formation from burglar.] to commit a burglary; to enter and rob a dwelling.

Syn: burglarize, heist.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1869, verbal back-formation from burglar (q.v.). Related: Burgled; burgling. Compare burglarize.


vb. (context chiefly British NZ English) to commit burglary.


v. commit a burglary; enter and rob a dwelling [syn: burglarize, burglarise, heist]


Usage examples of "burgle".

In the event, Varn spoke like someone calling the police to come and prevent his house from being burgled.

The Commander and Longton both realised suddenly how the gang had managed to squeeze through the smallest space into the premises they burgled.

Giffen had succeeded Graves as leader of the bashers, Devrise oversaw those who burgled and fenced goods, and Phil was in charge of pickpockets, smash-and-grab gangs, and the urchins who ran the streets of Krondor.

He explained that someone had tried to burgle my apartment last night, and pointed out scratchmarks on the front door.

The groggy Soul Mate groping for its Twin, The burgling free verse Blear, the Hobo Pote, Clairvoyant, Cubist bug and Burlapped Greek, Souse Socialists and queens with bright green hair, Ginks leading barbered Art Dogs trimmed and Sleek, The Greenwich Stable Dwellers, Mule and Mare, Pal Anarchs, tamed and wrapped in evening duds, Philosophers who go wherever suds Flow free, musicians hunting after eats, And sandaled dames who hang from either ear Strange lumps -- "art jools" -- the size of pickled beets, Writers that write not, hunting Atmosphere, Painters and sculptors that ne'er paint nor sculp, Reformers taking notes on Brainstorm Slum, Cave Men in Windsor Ties, all gauche and glum, With strong iron jaws that crush their food to Pulp, And bright Boy Cynics playing paradox, And th' inevitable She that knitteth Belgian socks -- A score of little groups !

If it wasn’t how to burgle the First National, it was, how to build catapults, or shape black bumbershoots into lurking bat costumes for Cabbage Night.

If it wasn't how to burgle the First National, it was, how to build catapults, or shape black bumbershoots into lurking bat costumes for Cabbage Night.

As the grief-stricken, burgled, beaten-up person on the sofa, she was unrecognizable.

His mother's house, he said, had been burgled while they were all out at his father's funeral.

Elgin Yaxley was in Hong Kong and Terence O'Tree was in jail, and neither they nor Bart Underfield had burgled, or bashed, or burned.

Being dragged out of bed at dawn by your lover’s scream, then finding your dog drugged and your home burgled, wasn’t a great way to start the day.

Little did they know that the place they were about to burgle - the shop, and the flat above ithad already been burgled the week before: yes, and the week before that.

Burglars were being burgled by fellow burglars, and were doing the same thing back.

Returning from burgling, burglars would discover that they had been burgled, sometimes by the very burglar that they themselves had just burgled!

He badly wanted to examine that burgled house, and he had been left behind by the Inspectorand lo and behold, he could now go there, taking charge of Hilary, and nobody could say a thing against it!