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adv. In a bulbous manner.

Usage examples of "bulbously".

The beast was surmounted by a glitteringly black and silver cupola whose bulbously filigreed windows gave no hint of who or what might be inside.

The shimmering canopy that covers the drivers reflects his image, if bulbously.

It was oblong, with jet-black compound eyes sticking out bulbously on either side and powerful mandibles in front.

His chair was one of the new, bulbously padded leather "confortables," and he stiffly raised his legs to rest his feet on a matching leather pouf.

Where its legs had once been was a swollen mass that stretched wide, bulbously attaching to the lumpy, moist wall.

The furthest-fallen ends of the columns - which must have toppled slowly but most impressively in our half-standard gravity - punched great long crater-like ditches out of the earth, creating long double embankments with bulbously rounded tips.