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vb. (alternative form of broddle English)


Brode may refer to:

Usage examples of "brode".

She radiated such assurance, and such righteous anger, that even Brode retreated a step as Shra walked to where he stood with Barsarbe.

Three of the men carried packs with light supplies of food, but Brode said they could scavenge well enough while in the forest, and once on the tundra there would likely be snow rabbits and birds they could catch for their supper.

They shared the food Brode handed them, their conversation desultory, and then sat in silence, watching the flames crackle.

But after half an hour he became worried, and asked Arne and Brode if either had seen which way she went.

Axis, Arne and Brode were grouped about a huddled figure on the ground.

Axis saw Brode on his knees in the corridor, an expression of utter despair on his face, and Timozel holding him by the hair and by the point of his blade.

Bishop of Leightyn in the towr, for that he wold not shew his farder interest to Nangle: he sayd that after I had seen his brode seal of commendation, that I had institution and induction to the Nangle.

Gregoire constituaient une aristocratie, une sorte de high-life a deux degres, dans lequel on distinguait les collets brodes et les collets a appliques.

Visions, prologus: In a somer seson whan soft was the sonne I went wyde in this world wondres to here, Ac on a May mornynge on Malvern hulles Me befel a ferly of fairy me thoughte, I was wery forwandred and went me to reste Under a brode bank bi a bornes side And as I lay and leued and loked in the wateres I slombred in a slepyng it sweyved so merye.

And now they nigh approched to the sted,Where as those Mermayds dwelt: it was a stillAnd calmy bay, on th'one side shelteredWith the brode shadow of an hoarie hill,On th'other side an high rocke toured still,That twixt them both a pleasaunt port they made,And did like an halfe Theatre fulfill:There those fiue sisters had continuall trade,And vsd to bath themselues in that deceiptfull shade.

Next after him went Doubt, who was ycladIn a discolour'd cote, of straunge disguyse,That at his backe a brode Capuccio had,And sleeues dependant Albanese-wyse:He lookt askew with his mistrustfull eyes,And nicely trode, as thornes lay in his way,Or that the flore to shrinke he did auyse,And on a broken reed he still did stayHis feeble steps, which shrunke, when hard theron he lay.

The brode ryver somtyme wexeth dreye, The grete toures se we wane and wende, Thanne may ye se that al this thyng hath ende.