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n. (plural of boomerang English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: boomerang)

Usage examples of "boomerangs".

I jogged through the furnace of the carpark, where the Tomahawks and Boomerangs all took it in the face, hating the heat, hating the hate.

Bedrock's artifacts were set out around him: spears and knives and chisels and boomerangs, the tools of a home-builder and hunter, many of them made of mammoth ivory.

And every time the weather cleared sufficiently the hunters had gone out to hurl spears and boomerangs at rocks and painted animal figures—and, when they spotted them, live targets, the animals of the winter like the Arctic foxes.

Meanwhile, there are some pretty primitive creatures driving around with money in their Torpedoes and Boomerangs, or sitting down with money at the Mahatma or the Assisi, or just standing there with money, in the shops, in the pubs, in the streets.

I have read, or television has told me, about parts of space where the manmade boomerangs fly.

He was gripping two heavy, sharp-tipped boomerangs and had three more strapped to his waist.

Wylo's masterpiece in portraiture--the one revelation of the human form divine which he permitted himself to accomplish in other than transient sand, was a fancy picture of one of his many sweethearts--a lady in a very old hat and nothing more, with a few boomerangs thrown in to fill otherwise waste space on the inner surface of his shield.

We could use boomerangs and spears, but most vampaneze wouldn't touch them.