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bolt out

v. leave suddenly and as if in a hurry; "The listeners bolted when he discussed his strange ideas"; "When she started to tell silly stories, I ran out" [syn: run off, run out, bolt, beetle off]

Usage examples of "bolt out".

He pulled his knife from its stick-shaft and cut the bolt out of the dead buck.

I planted with my right foot, cut to the left and whipped my lightsaber around to the right, batting a blaster bolt out into the night.

I knew I had to get to the stables, grab a horse, and bolt out of there.

It was as hard as pulling a bolt out of a board, but he got it out.

He threw the lamp aside, felt for the bolt on the inside of the shutters, put his hand on it, jerked on it, skinned a knuckle as he forced the bolt out of its catch, threw open the shutters, and wept with relief as light flooded into the attic.

She twisted it slowly, easing the dead bolt out of the striker plate without the clack that it made if opened unthinkingly.