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n. The president of a local chapter of freemasons.

Usage examples of "bodymaster".

I asked him when he recovered who Bodymaster McGinty was, and whose body he was master of.

But there is a connection between Bodymaster McGinty and the Valley of Fear.

He is the Bodymaster of Vermissa Lodge, and nothing can happen in these parts unless Black Jack McGinty wants it.

Chapter 2 - The Bodymaster McMurdo was a man who made his mark quickly.

Eminent Bodymaster, that if a man should be wanted I should take it as an honour to be chosen to help the lodge.

The whisky bottle had passed round many times, and the men were flushed and ripe for mischief when their Bodymaster rose once more to address them.

Eminent Bodymaster, to you and to every brother in this lodge if I have said more than I should.

But I have greater trust in your judgment than in my own, Eminent Bodymaster, and I promise you that I will not offend again.

When he turned his face McMurdo saw that it was Brother Morris, he who had incurred the anger of the Bodymaster the night before.

Would the Bodymaster see to it that suitable arrangements be made for their lodgings and comfort until the time for action should arrive?

Ted Baldwin, who sprawled now in the seat of honour beside the Bodymaster, had been chief of the party.

What have I ever said or done that you should think I would be after standing back from an order of the Bodymaster of my own lodge?

McMurdo, who had already been appointed Inner Deacon, with every prospect of some day succeeding McGinty as Bodymaster, was now so necessary to the councils of his comrades that nothing was done without his help and advice.

The long room was crowded, and through the haze of tobacco smoke he saw the tangled black mane of the Bodymaster, the cruel, unfriendly features of Baldwin, the vulture face of Harraway, the secretary, and a dozen more who were among the leaders of the lodge.

It's almost a mania with the knights, and the bodymasters are happy to practice, to continue to experiment, in their chosen field.