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blue flashes

n. (blue flash English)

Usage examples of "blue flashes".

Then, I just let the time pressure throw me back to Query, looking through the blue flashes from the Giants, seeking one that was isolated.

Back up the bank, stepping gingerly over writhing purple creepers, guided by faint blue flashes through the undergrowth, I found the remains of the trail.

The first evidence of its effects came when the brilliant blue flashes of the stressed shields vanished from the turbulent display of churning clouds and jagged thunderbolts upon the main viewer.

Reality was coming apart on him, in red and blue flashes, right over the white galley walls.

Then came the oddest sight of all, when a myriad of miniature yellow and blue flashes battered the observation port like a sudden snowstorm of fireworks.

The horses were driven nearly mad with terror by the cannonlike explosions of the thunder and the unearthly blue flashes of the lightning, but with a firm hand and a soothing voice in the ear, Nell urged them forward.

It was replaced suddenly and violently by repeated blue flashes of lightning.

Paul reports seeing amazing blue flashes during snowstorms, colored by ice crystals in the air.

Directly up front sat the governor of Hawaii, the admirals, the generals, and their ladies, and photographers were still blinking feeble blue flashes at them.

The tank like contrivance trundled down the hill, still emitting its blue flashes and driving the machines to even greater frenzies of self destruction.