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The Collaborative International Dictionary

black-market \black-market\ adj. distributed or sold illicitly.

Syn: bootleg, contraband, smuggled.

  1. 1 traded on the black market. 2 contraband, bootleg or smuggled. v

  2. 1 (context intransitive English) To participate in a black market. 2 (context transitive English) To sell in a black market.


adj. distributed or sold illicitly; "the black economy pays no taxes" [syn: bootleg, black, contraband, smuggled]

Usage examples of "black-market".

I'm not wild about the idea, but multiple kidnappings and stolen babies and black-market adoptions are right up SIU's alley.

He has to have a superior skill with electronics and security, or enough money to buy a jammer, and we're talking mucho black-market buckaroos for a unit like this.

He scram­bled through the portrait hole while they were still arguing about how many black-market Butterbeers they would need and was climbing back out of it, the Invisibility Cloak and Sirius's knife secure in his bag, before they noticed he had left them.

He scrambled through the portrait hole while they were still arguing about how many black-market Butterbeers they would need and was climbing back out of it, the Invisibility Cloak and Sirius's knife secure in his bag, before they noticed he had left them.

The people who supply us with food coupons have been arrested, so we have just our five black-market ra- -, tion books-no coupons, no fats and oils.

Better yet, you hide above Nighttown, because the Pit's inverted, and the bottom of its bowl touches the sky, the sky that Nighttown never sees, sweating under its own filament of acrylic resin, up where the Lo Teks crouch in the dark like gargoyles, black-market cigarettes dangling from their lips.

As I understand black-marketing it means to sell food and goods, anything, to your own people — for profit.

No one's black-marketing here or breaking any laws that are laws — so far as I know.

Clemenza had used him as a black-market contact in the garment center and with government employees controlling OP A food stamps.

The new British gun, which Jack had acquired from a black-market arms dealer in Miami, had a two-inch bore and fired a high-velocity, steel-jacketed tear-gas shell that could penetrate most wooden doors or punch through a boarded window.

As a black-market man, he had to accept these terms, the lower cut, and less in advance.

Blockade runners crossed from the Russian Zone at great risk and their black-market prices were high.

There’s been a black-market pipeline funneling Earth goods to Cyteen and war materiels to Mazian, and that’s about to stop.

There's been a black-market pipeline funneling Earth goods to Cyteen and war materiels to Mazian, and that's about to stop.

It had been the scrap yard for the Vincas themselves thenall the ones that hadn't been sold black-market to anyone wanting enough tow power to yank an ore freighter to a standstill.