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Binary star

Binary \Bi"na*ry\, a. [L. binarius, fr. bini two by two, two at a time, fr. root of bis twice; akin to E. two: cf. F. binaire.] Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things).

Binary arithmetic, that in which numbers are expressed according to the binary scale, or in which two figures only, 0 and 1, are used, in lieu of ten; the cipher multiplying everything by two, as in common arithmetic by ten. Thus, 1 is one; 10 is two; 11 is three; 100 is four, etc.
--Davies & Peck.

Binary compound (Chem.), a compound of two elements, or of an element and a compound performing the function of an element, or of two compounds performing the function of elements.

Binary logarithms, a system of logarithms devised by Euler for facilitating musical calculations, in which 1 is the logarithm of 2, instead of 10, as in the common logarithms, and the modulus 1.442695 instead of .43429448.

Binary measure (Mus.), measure divisible by two or four; common time.

Binary nomenclature (Nat. Hist.), nomenclature in which the names designate both genus and species.

Binary scale (Arith.), a uniform scale of notation whose ratio is two.

Binary star (Astron.), a double star whose members have a revolution round their common center of gravity.

Binary theory (Chem.), the theory that all chemical compounds consist of two constituents of opposite and unlike qualities.

binary star

n. (context astronomy English) A stellar system in which two stars orbit around their center of mass; double star.

binary star

n. a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation [syn: binary, double star]

Binary star

A binary star is a star system consisting of two stars orbiting around their common barycenter. Systems of two, three, four, or even more stars are called multiple star systems. These systems, especially when more distant, often appear to the unaided eye as a single point of light, and are then revealed as double (or more) by other means. Research over the last two centuries suggests that half or more of visible stars are part of multiple star systems.

The term double star is often used synonymously with binary star; however, double star can also mean optical double star. Optical doubles are so called because the two stars appear close together in the sky as seen from the Earth; they are almost on the same line of sight. Nevertheless, their "doubleness" depends only on this optical effect; the stars themselves are distant from one another and share no physical connection. A double star can be revealed as optical by means of differences in their parallax measurements, proper motions, or radial velocities. Most known double stars have not been studied sufficiently closely to determine whether they are optical doubles or they are doubles physically bound through gravitation into a multiple star system.

Binary star systems are very important in astrophysics because calculations of their orbits allow the masses of their component stars to be directly determined, which in turn allows other stellar parameters, such as radius and density, to be indirectly estimated. This also determines an empirical mass-luminosity relationship (MLR) from which the masses of single stars can be estimated.

Binary stars are often detected optically, in which case they are called visual binaries. Many visual binaries have long orbital periods of several centuries or millennia and therefore have orbits which are uncertain or poorly known. They may also be detected by indirect techniques, such as spectroscopy (spectroscopic binaries) or astrometry (astrometric binaries). If a binary star happens to orbit in a plane along our line of sight, its components will eclipse and transit each other; these pairs are called eclipsing binaries, or, as they are detected by their changes in brightness during eclipses and transits, photometric binaries.

If components in binary star systems are close enough they can gravitationally distort their mutual outer stellar atmospheres. In some cases, these close binary systems can exchange mass, which may bring their evolution to stages that single stars cannot attain. Examples of binaries are Sirius, and Cygnus X-1 (Cygnus X-1 being a well known black hole). Binary stars are also common as the nuclei of many planetary nebulae, and are the progenitors of both novae and type Ia supernovae.

Binary Star (hip hop group)

Binary Star is a hip-hop duo formed in 1998, composed of One Be Lo and Senim Silla. The pair met and formed the group during their time in Hiawatha Correctional Facility.

Usage examples of "binary star".

SINCE THERE WAS OVER A DAY UNTIL THEIR ARRIVAL AT the binary star system, Neelix suggested he serve a late lunch first for the officers and the ship's guests.

I'm picking up what looks like a signal from the binary star system ahead.

Located in the Delari system of the Corva sector of the Outer Rim, Delari Prime is the first planet orbiting its binary star.

Trying to pick her out visually against the vast backdrop of a binary star system made finding a needle in a haystack seem ridiculously easy by comparison.

It described a point in the recently annexed area beyond the binary star Jopter Kej.

Ra-Menae III, the only habitable planet in a rare binary star system, where giant shell-encased creatures dominated in an otherworldly version of earth's age of dinosaurs.

It's part of a binary star system, and though the secondary star is a red dwarf in a long elliptical orbit, it still provides enough heat to keep the atmosphere from freezing.

Kairn said, pointing to a binary star system directly next to Denari’.

Kairn said, pointing to a binary star system directly next to Denari's.

This could be intended to show us that Gamma Persei has a binary star system - that is, two stars or suns relatively close together.