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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bidarkee \Bi*dar"kee\, Bidarka \Bi*dar"ka\, n. [Russ. baidarka, dim. Cf. Baidar.] A portable boat made of skins stretched on a frame. [Alaska]
--The Century.


n. A kayak constructed by covering a light wooden frame (lashed together with sinew) in sea lion hides.

Usage examples of "bidarka".

When pressed for room, the Aleut has been known to crawl head foremost, body whole, right under the manhole and lie there prone between the feet of the paddlers with nothing between him and the abysmal depths of a hissing sea but the parchment keel of the bidarka, thin as paper.

The shore was flat and this was an old Indian portage where they had carried their canoes and bidarkas from one inlet to the other for many years.

The Indians had brought grease from their camp, barrels of it that came in their bidarkas, and they were slapping it liberally on the skids.

When the Susquehanna dropped the hook off Kootznahoo head the bidarkas were swift to come.

And in this same bay of Drake, long afterward, the Russian fur-poachers rendezvous'd their bidarkas and stole in through the Golden Gate to the forbidden waters of San Francisco Bay.