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Usage examples of "beyle".

Like Julien Sorel, Marie-Henri Beyle lost his mother at a young age, and had a difficult relationship with his lawyer father.

That evening, his father, Cherubin Beyle, recited the story of the death of Pyr-rhus to his family.

Little Henri Beyle breathed in the acrid fumes and gaped at the sarcophagus.

The letters to Beyle of about the same date are also incompatible with intimate knowledge.

Countess Daru, in a gown of peacock blue satin, was sitting dreamily beside her cousin, a young civil servant by the name of Henri Beyle with a broad, plain face redeemed from the commonplace by a magnificent brow, a bright and piercing eye and a sardonic curve of the lips.

Tanya Beyles had a green sick card on her door, but he decided to ignore it.

That evening, his father, Cherubin Beyle, recited the story of the death of Pyr-rhus to his family.