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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Berna was a Swiss manufacturer of buses, trolleybuses and trucks, which later also specialized in surface metallurgical treatments and components. Until the 1960s it was primarily a vehicle manufacturer, but between 1965 and 1978 vehicle manufacturing was phased out and replaced with other products. The company was based in Olten.

Berna (disambiguation)

Berna was a Swiss company that manufactured buses and trucks.

It may also refer to:

  • The spelling of Bern, Switzerland, in Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish, among other languages
  • short form for:
    • Bernadetta
    • Bernadette (disambiguation)
Berna (Madrid Metro)

Berna is a station on Line 2 of the Metro Ligero. It is located in fare Zone B1.

Usage examples of "berna".

Her mother, Queen Bernadine, had taught her and Harold of the need for Confessors, their need for strong blood in that line of magic, and how it served the greater cause of the Midlands in keeping peace.

Flanking the rope-carved stone arch at the far end stood life-size statues of Queen Bernadine and King Wyborn, each holding a spear and shield in one hand, the queen a sheaf of wheat in the other, and the king a lamb.

It does not explain why the contract with this Bernard Zeppi is with Vladimir Petrovich Yaroslavich, not Mikhail Fedorivich Romanov, Czar of all Russia.

Natasha suspected that he might have overstated the woman's importance and wasn't at all sure she liked the way Berna had waxed effusive on Brandy Bates' accomplishments.

Unsteadily, I came to rest at the bottom and found myself looking into the rather large muzzle of a Berna­delli Model 80.

Hamilton stood in the operating theater examining the x-ray plates which young Sister Bernadette had brought in.

Anyway, Sister, if you'd care to assist me, you and Sister Bernadette, we'll get started.

As Sister Bernadette helped him on with rubber gloves, he said to Maria Teresa, "A short-term anesthetic only.

Sister Bernadette was already mixing the plaster of Paris, and he crossed to the operating table and looked down at Kelso who was still unconscious.

Sister Berna-dette appeared not to have noticed, but the older woman glanced sharply at Hamilton and then at Gallagher.

Madame Bernard provided the field marshal with a late luncheon in the drawing room.

This couple here at the house, the Bernards, will know you are here, but then they won't know you're also in Jersey.

Rommel took the bottle of Dom Perignon from the ice bucket that Monsieur Bernard had brought in earlier and uncorked it.

The marriage wedded his realm to the lands ruled by Queen Bernadine, creating the land of Galea.

Queen Bernadine told my mother that she did not love her husband, that he was a cuckold.