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n. (misspelling of bellwether English)

Usage examples of "bellweather".

I’ve asked Policewoman Bellweather to make a few very discreet inquiries among the Arts and Crafts people.

The policewoman was Sadie Bellweather, and she sat a little apart from the others, with a shorthand notebook on her knee.

All looked towards the bull’s head, Mr Chubb with cold appraisal, Malley stolidly, Love and Harper craning like tourists anxious to get their money’s worth, Pook indifferently, and Policewoman Bellweather with that rigidity of mien with which she had trained herself to confront all things unusual or distasteful, from a motor accident to a rashly proffered penis.

Policewoman Bellweather gave her a nervous little smile, bobbed apologetically, and went out of the room.

He was greatly relieved when Policewoman Bellweather came back into the room.

Then he returned the notebook to Policewoman Bellweather, motioned her to hang on to the box and its contents, and said to Mrs Pentatuke: “I have to tell you that I propose now to take to police headquarters, Flaxborough, the articles which I have shown to you and which I believe to be your property.

When Harper and Sadie Bellweather came in from the transport yard, it was Harper who was carrying Mrs Pentatuke’s deep freeze container.

Love picked up the mouse by its tail, which had become limp in the warm air, and pretended to set off in search of Policewoman Bellweather.

I’ve asked Policewoman Bellweather to make a few very discreet inquiries among the Arts and Crafts people.

All looked towards the bull’s head, Mr Chubb with cold appraisal, Malley stolidly, Love and Harper craning like tourists anxious to get their money’s worth, Pook indifferently, and Policewoman Bellweather with that rigidity of mien with which she had trained herself to confront all things unusual or distasteful, from a motor accident to a rashly proffered penis.

Then he returned the notebook to Policewoman Bellweather, motioned her to hang on to the box and its contents, and said to Mrs Pentatuke: “I have to tell you that I propose now to take to police headquarters, Flaxborough, the articles which I have shown to you and which I believe to be your property.

When Harper and Sadie Bellweather came in from the transport yard, it was Harper who was carrying Mrs Pentatuke’s deep freeze container.

Mrs Pasquith was thereupon closeted with a brawny but soft-hearted policewoman called Sadie Bellweather.

He sat regarding Policewoman Bellweather’s typed report with considerable gloom.

Meanwhile, Policewoman Bellweather found a raincoat to cover the deficiencies of Miss Pollock’s clothing and a mug of tea to restore her spirits.