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adv. 1 In a believable way. 2 (non-gloss definition: Used to express the speaker's assessment of the credibility of a reported statement).

  1. adv. in a believable manner; "he acted believably sincere" [ant: unbelievably, incredibly]

  2. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence; "he talked plausibly before the committee"; "he will probably win the election" [syn: credibly, plausibly, probably] [ant: incredibly]

Usage examples of "believably".

Idealist movement was, in the West, the last great attempt to introduce true Ascent and, most important, to integrate it believably with true Descentthe Ego and the Eco both taken up, preserved and negated, honored and released, in all-encompassing Spirit.

THE LEGACY OF THE IDEALISTS The Idealist movement was, in the West, the last great attempt to introduce true Ascent and, most important, to integrate it believably with true Descentthe Ego and the Eco both taken up, preserved and negated, honored and released, in all-encompassing Spirit.

Slowly, entertainingly, believably, they find out that Marshall France's books were not works of fiction or fantasy, that the Land of Laughs, and all its bizarre characters, actually exist.