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n. (plural of bedlam English)

Usage examples of "bedlams".

I will see the last of the Bedlams become the pivotal nail in the coffin of his people.

Let the last of the Bedlams watch his dam be the first to give her life.

Even if the last of the Bedlams is nothing but a cowardly hatchling, I still have his dam.

Haiden, invited with the Bedlams, was talking to General Toos about places the two of them had seen during their lengthy lifetimes.

In the ancient days of ignorance and barbarism, decent men and women would pay a handful of coppers to go along into the lunatic asylums and bedlams and laugh at the antics of the poor demented devils held prisoner within those dank walls.

It is fitting that the last of the Bedlams be here, along with the Lady of the Amber, and the misfit who would rule the dragons as Emperor.

I can rest at all, before I can join my clans in the last sleep, I will see the last of the Bedlams become the pivotal nail in the coffin of his people.