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n. (surname from=Old English dot=) of (etyl ang en) origin.

Usage examples of "beckwith".

A promise to a dying man who called himself Tarin Beckwith, of Laconda North.

Next witness for the State: John Beckwith, jeweler a pale, obviously frightened man of sixty, who peered about the crowded courtroom as if his eyesight were bad.

Just like his cheery next-door neighbor Steve Beckwith inquiring yet again if he could borrow the power mower.

Tarin Beckwith, a man of noble mien and honorable intention, on the occasion of his last breath, that I would return the Visioness Themaryl to her family.

Tarin Beckwith of Laconda North to return this woman to her home and family.

Beckwith got tired of paying his smurfs or maybe he got tired of keeping track of the myriad accounts he'd opened across Santa Teresa County.