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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Beatific \Be`a*tif"ic\, Beatifical \Be`a*tif"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. b['e]atifique, L. beatificus. See Beatify.] Having the power to impart or complete blissful enjoyment; blissful. ``The beatific vision.''
--South. -- Be`a*tif"ic*al*ly, adv.


adv. In a beatific manner.

Usage examples of "beatifically".

Richard turned to smile beatifically up at Charon in time to see She-Who-Walks seize him from behind and rake her nails across his face.

The exec only shook his head in resignation, and she laughed mentally at his expression as he contemplated the beatifically smiling young lieutenant.

He wandered around the table, spied the unused dessert plate, smiled beatifically, and helped himself to two of the pastries and the leftover fork at his cousin's plate.

He regarded Lucky Gazid, who watched the caterpillar eating and smiled beatifically, swaying.

Todd's face lit up beatifically and he moved to his father's side.