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beat in

v. teach by drills and repetition [syn: hammer in, drill in, ram down]

Usage examples of "beat in".

Her head pounded like the back beat in one of Mavis's more enthusiastic numbers.

She slipped Manhattan Is My Beat in the VCR and started it once more.

That sound gripped Farree and perhaps also the Lord-One Krip, for Farree noted that the spaceman's hands were opening and closing, where they hung by his sides, in time to that beat in words.

And even if you were beat in the trade, which with a boy of eighteen is more than like to be so, I will not chide you for that.

I laid a hand on his sleeve, feeling the swift pulse that beat in his wrist.

Her heart beat in frightened counterpoint to the rhythm of the mitochondrion.

She didn't miss a beat in the game she played, and her solemn expression never changed.

The last thing Satoru did before they left was to return the monster to its beat in front of the longhouses.

But all the while her heart beat in rhythm to the poignant sadness of the song the children sang while walking around in a ring with hands joined.

Tonight of all nights, when speed and secrecy was what Al needed, the dolt found the single streak of determination that beat in his flabby heart.