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vb. (en-past of: batch)

Usage examples of "batched".

By a long-established anomaly, the last page of the books (it was the batched fiction review) was put to bed on the same day as the arts.

It was The Little Magazine's plum job, often squabbled and feebly brawled over: he who wrote the batched fiction review ended up with perhaps a dozen new hardbacks to sell to the man in Chancery Lane.

Without waiting to see if the dragons landed, Piemur pushed his way deeper into the jungle, trying to remember if Menolly had ever said anything about fire liz ards tracing newly batched ones.

Without waiting to see if the dragons landed, Piemur pushed his way deeper into the jungle, trying to remember if Menolly had ever said anything about fire lizards tracing newly batched ones.