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n. The flat top of a barrel that has been stood vertically.


Usage examples of "barrelhead".

Then he reseated himself again on the barrelhead and began to drum and whistle as before, apparently paying no heed to the woman who came along scolding and swearing, with half a dozen street children following at her heels.

Except for student tickets, student passes, whatever they call them, every seat in the house is paid for cash on the barrelhead the day of the game.

This was down- and-dirty, urban, ethnic, organized crime, carried out by crime families every day, for cash on the barrelhead, in the harsh world of the streets.

Got stuck in the Nine Beyonds forever because no one would come after her without crowns on the barrelhead?

All these deals have to be put through cash on the barrelhead or in advance.

These were actually bales of American currency from Saudi Arabia, cash on the barrelhead, so to speak, for the McDonald's Hamburgers Division of RAMJAC.

James van Houghton wants only the best, and is more than willing to pay cash on the barrelhead.

Or you get ten thousand big ones, straight up and down, I peel them right off, cash on the barrelhead.