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Barbuda is an island in the Eastern Caribbean, and forms part of the state of Antigua and Barbuda. It has a population of about 1,638 (at the 2011 Census), most of whom live in the town of Codrington.

Usage examples of "barbuda".

He phoned his brother-in-law, Tom Barbuda, in Freehold, which was in the direction indicated by Dorothy, and asked him to drive with him.

En lucha con las náuseas y el tedio, se resignaba con abnegación a la inmediata cercanía de esa cara occidental y barbuda, aunque, para mitigar el martirio, prefería encararla en las tinieblas o en el cinematógrafo Loria.

Kitts, Barbuda and Antigua had been virtually wiped out by a series of titanic hurricanes which had swept on to ravage Cuba and Florida.

I'll take a bet she plans to round Antigua and Barbuda and then square away for somewhere like Charleston.

The papers of ownership, which I had refused even to touch, said that he was a ftill-blooded Gold Coast Ncgro, a Yoruba, sold by a French planter from Barbuda, one-armed, bearing a brand on the left shoulder of a flcur-dc-lys and the initial "A," and known by the name Tcnicraire.