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a. (alternative spelling of band-pass English) n. A bandpass filter

Usage examples of "bandpass".

A few minutes later, or the next day, or years later you turn the same telescope to the same spot in the sky with the same frequency, bandpass, polariza­tion, and everything else, and you don't hear a thing.

Instead, you would call scientists at other radio observatories and inform them that at this particular spot in the sky, at this frequency and bandpass and all the rest, you seem to be getting something funny.

Of course, if you had a very narrow bandpass to your receiver, so you were listening only to a tiny range of frequencies, you were forced to accept the long time-constant.

So, for example, if you had a bandpass of a kilohertz, you couldn't make out a signal that was modulated at fasted than a millisecond.

The Argus bandpasses were narrower than a hertz, so to be detected the transmitters must be modulating very slowly, slower than one bit of information a second.

Immediately outside the bandpass of this signal there are no other frequencies reporting anything besides noise.

Fundamentally, the Message was continuing on the same frequencies, bandpasses, time constants, and polarization and phase modulation.

A few minutes later, or the next day, or years later you turn the same telescope to the same spot in the sky with the same frequency, bandpass, polarization, and everything else, and you don't hear a thing.

The frequency, time constant, and bandpass of the message are common to transmitting and receiving civilizations.

But it seems to me that we can do something to enhance the likelihood of success in such a search, and that the ordinary pursuit of radio astronomy is not quite the same as an explicit search of certain stars, frequencies, bandpasses, and time constants for extraterrestrial intelligence.

A Type II civilization, putting out in our direction 1026 watts in some fairly narrow radio bandpass, could be detectable over vast inter-galactic distances.

The feds have been on at us for years to link into the data-net on the same token basis as the other paid-avoidance communities, but to satisfy their computers you have to have veephone-sized bandpass capacity.

This is the first survey that can do the entire radio noise minimum at optimum bandpasses.