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n. (alternative form of ball bearing English)

Usage examples of "ballbearing".

Henry, is to go and get yourself a frosted chocolate and when you sit at the soda fountain keep your eyes peeled and forget about the destiny of man because you might still find yourself a nice lay and a good dean lay will dean your ballbearing out and leave a good taste in your mouth whereas this only brings on dyspepsia, dandruff, halitosis, encephalitis.

Laura the nympho brandishing her cunt, her sweet rose-petal lips toothed with ballbearing clutches, her ass balled and socketed.

Each ballbearing part he worked on was supposed to be finished in fifty-four minutes.

They began to dance in circles on the glassy street, singing their National Anthem, "Round and Round the Ballbearing Bush.

Shad looked up in surprise to see an odd-looking ballbearing-shaped turret on its nose, a stubby muzzle questing left and right as if sniffing for a target.

Drink imposes its own limit, and women soon become a weariness of the flesh, but the passion for saucy little garden gadgets, bedizened with green paint and ballbearings, is never stilled.

In these days when people write with ballbearings and solid ink, and at the bottom of the lake while swimming, and otherwise miraculously, I am an embittered reactionary scraping away with a wooden pen which I dip after every eighth word.

The door was a giant wooden panel, deeply carved with elaborate filigrees, but it pushed open as though it had been hinged on ballbearings.