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bake sales

n. (bake sale English)

Usage examples of "bake sales".

Veteran of a hundred PTA fairs and bake sales, chief instigator of the annual fall antiques show on the green, when Cee-Cee Haines talked, people who were too slow to pull an unobtrusive getaway listened.

Auxiliaries put on bake sales in aid of this or that, offering pies and cookies and cakes, and jars of jam and chutney and pickles, each with a first-name label: Rhoda’.

The diner had one of those big, wide-pane windows that was forever dotted with posters announcing bake sales, school plays, and auctions.

How many bake sales had she organized to raise funds for the single moms of the county?

He had been out on the lawn of his house, the one in Paducah, his father still at work, his mother off somewhere, probably at the Grace Baptist, getting ready for one of her endless bake sales (unlike Kurtz, when Randi Underhill said praise Jesus, she meant it), and an ambulance had pulled up next door, at the Rapeloews'.

Beverly was shade trees, and PTA bake sales, and morning papers lying on the porch.

Paying relatively stiff weekly dues and raising additional funds with bikini car washes and bake sales (most of the bakery goods were pilfered from restaurants in which the women worked), the Daughters established a fund that awarded grants to deserving members so that they might lay down their trays and devote some time to their true calling.

Lots of stories about bake sales and church socials, and reports of City Council meetings where silly politicians argue for hours about whether or not they should fill the potholes on Broadway.

I envied them their sense of community, their football games, their bring-and-bake sales, their church socials.

She'd been so happy then, surrounded by children and other young mothers, busy with little league, bake sales and family vacations.

Joe is furious with me because I refuse to drag the kids to fund-raisers and bake sales.