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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Bagnio \Bagn"io\, n. [It. bagno, fr. L. balneum. Cf. Bain.]

  1. A house for bathing, sweating, etc.; -- also, in Turkey, a prison for slaves. [Obs.]

  2. A brothel; a stew; a house of prostitution.


n. 1 A brothel. 2 (context obsolete English) A building for bathe, sweating. 3 (context obsolete English) In Turkey, a prison for slaves.

  1. n. a building where prostitutes are available [syn: whorehouse, brothel, bordello, house of prostitution, house of ill repute, bawdyhouse, cathouse, sporting house]

  2. a building containing public baths [syn: bathhouse]


A bagnio (from ) was a term for a bath or bath-house. In England, it was originally used to name coffee houses which offered Turkish baths, but by 1740 it signified a boarding house where rooms could be hired with no questions asked, or a house of prostitution.

The term was also used to refer to the prison for hostages in Constantinople, which was near the bath-house, and thereafter all the slave prisons in the Ottoman Empire and the Barbary regencies. The hostages of the pirates slept in the prisons at night, leaving during the day to work as laborers, galley slaves, or domestic servants.

The communication between master and slave and between slaves of different origins was made in Lingua Franca (also known as Sabir), a Mediterranean pidgin language with Romance and Arabic vocabulary.

The Slaves' Prison in Valletta, Malta, which was both a prison and a place where Muslim slaves slept at night, was also commonly known as the bagnio or bagno.

Bagne became the French word for the prisons of the galley slaves in the French Navy; after galley service was abolished, the word continued to be used as a generic term in French for any hard labour prison. The last one in European France, the Bagne de Toulon, was closed in 1873.

The French penal colony on Devil's Island in French Guiana, which was not shut down until 1953, was also called a bagne, and features in the famous bestseller Papillon.

Usage examples of "bagnio".

Hotel Arapahoe, now a catch-as-catch-can lazaret and bagnio one minute from Times Square.

For debauchery, no one was a better guide to the taverns, bagnios, billiards halls and whorehouses than William Hickey in his Memoirs of a Georgian Rake while Wits, Wenchers and Wantons by E.

Hotel Arapahoe, now a catch-as-catch-can lazaret and bagnio one minute from Times Square.

I also visited the bagnios where a rich man can sup, bathe, and sleep with a fashionable courtezan, of which species there are many in London.

I passed the next day with the amiable nobleman who initiated me into the mysteries of the English bagnio, an entertainment which I shall not describe, for it is well known to all who care to spend six guineas.

They include: The Festival of the Passions, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, The Curtain Drawn Up, The Bagnio Miscellany, The Birchen Bouquet, and The Lustful Turk.

Without any question it was painted for a bagnio and it was probably refused because it was a trifle too strong.

I was a slave at Algiers, Murphy Macmorris and I happened to have some difference in the bagnio, upon which he bade me turn out.

To tell the truth he was mean in fortunes and for the most part hankered about the coffeehouses and low taverns with crimps, ostlers, bookies, Paul's men, runners, flatcaps, waistcoateers, ladies of the bagnio and other rogues of the game or with a chanceable catchpole or a tipstaff often at nights till broad day of whom he picked up between his sackpossets much loose gossip.

If I asked you to tell it in all its horror, if I wished you to bring back to us the atrocious moment of my brother's death, it is so that monsieur" (her fingers pointed to Gounsovski) "shall know well, once for all, that if I have submitted for some hours now to this promiscuous company that has been imposed upon me, now that I have paid the debt by accepting this abominable supper, I have nothing more to do with this purveyor of bagnios and of hangman's ropes who is here.

The horse nickered and snuffed shyly at the hocks of the other animals standing at stall before the lamplit bagnios they passed.

The same indomitable spirit that kept him from despair in the bagnios of Algiers, and prompted him to attempt the escape of himself and his comrades again and again, made him persevere in spite of failure and discouragement in his efforts to win the ear of the public as a dramatist.

Some laughed and boasted of the amorous feats they would do in the silken bagnios of Aghrapur upon their return.

Some laughed and boasted of the amorous feats they would do in the silken bagnios of Aghrapur upon their return.

The chroniclers do not often pause in their narrations to dwell on the moral aspects of the times, but Meyer, in his annals of Flanders, under date of 1379, tells us that it would be impossible to describe the prevalence everywhere of perjuries, blasphemies, adulteries, hatreds, quarrels, brawls, murder, rapine, thievery, robbery, gambling, whoredom debauchery, avarice, oppression of the poor, rape, drunkenness: and similar vices, and he illustrates his statement with the fact that in the territory of Ghent, within the space of ten months, there occurred no less than fourteen hundred murders committed in the bagnios, brothels, gambling-houses, taverns, and other similar places.