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vb. (en-past of: autopsy)

Usage examples of "autopsied".

It was the last day of her current rotation as supervisor in charge of determining which of the previous night’s cases should be autopsied and who would do them.

Doing some on their own and some together, they autopsied the initial patient, one orthopedic resident, two nurses, one orderly, two people who’d visited the patient, including the nine-year-old girl, and particularly important as far as Jack was concerned, one woman from central supply.

We’ve just autopsied some of the sickest meningococcal patients any of us has ever seen and then, boom!

For the times of death of the few he’d not autopsied, he called down to Bart Arnold, the chief PA.

Stvan autopsied Chandonne's French victims and then he went after her.

I autopsied his American victims and didn't take serious measures to prevent him from coming after me.

Both autopsied his victims and therefore in a perverse way are intimate with him.

Stvan autopsied Chandonne's French vic­tims and then he went after her.

I autopsied his American vic­tims and didn't take serious measures to prevent him from coming after me.

On the shelves was a ghoulish collection of cold, dead bodies and body parts that having been autopsied and examined were waiting to be claimed.

And how much was it going to cost her to legally insist his body be autopsied?