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Usage examples of "ather".

Harper said, sounding uncharacteristically nervou He plainly believed that either ather Sarsfield, Captain Donaju or Captain lacy should broach the delicate subject that had caused this delegation to seek Sharpe out, but the cha lain and the two em assed officers were silent.

Other Real Compania Irlandesa officers were supervising the squads collecting the Portuguese dead, while ather Sarsfield had taken charge of a dozen men and their wives who were caring for the Portuguese wounded, though without a surgeon there was little they could do except bandage, pray and fetch water.

Two ox drawn wagons had come to the fort with spades and picks and as soon as the tools were unloaded ather Sarsfield commandeered the two vehicles so that the wounded could be carried to doctors and hospitals.

Real Compaflia Irlandesa low ered the corpse into the deep grave, then Hogan, Sharpe and Harper took off their hats as ather Sarsfield said the prayers in Latin and afterwards spoke in English to the twenty guardsmen.

DonaJuanita de Elia is not a spy, ather, for I know she is and you know the selfsame thing.

I suspect so, but then the french took over the Spanish throne and someone must have been wondering where ather Mal Ion could be more usefully employed, and I suspect Father Mallon pleaded with his french masters to be employed against the real enemy.

There was ra - ather more than suspicion another man planned the frauds and got away with the bulk of the money.

I ra - ather think you make too much of the fact that he went first to these three coast towns.

Calla and Ather, would have to lead the People of the Wood into battle.

If ather knew you went there so often there would be the devil to pay.

Proceeding to the library, dust cloth in hand, she saw Andy-or ather, the lower half of him-in the gaping cavity of the fireplace.

It was accelerating ather forehead wrinkled with disbeliefat a rate equal to tens of thousands of gravities!

Athera would see his unfounded presumptions shattered in one day, a sentence written in running blood on the spring green banks of Tal Quorin.

The raging snarl of upset lane force had overstressed the tuned concentration Sethvir needed to refine broadscale vision, and sort the array of ongoing event that influenced the fate of Athera.

Euchee warrior chieftains looked today at the white grand-f ather called Madoc, and bad birds screamed silently in their souls.