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n. (plural of assumption English)

Usage examples of "assumptions".

Over the past four hundred years, physics has repeatedly progressed from assumptions of asymmetry to principles of symmetry and from assertions of absolute entities to relative events.

The Scientific Revolution that marked the beginning of the modern era introduced a fresh skepticism regarding deeply cherished, unquestioned assumptions, and it introduced new methods for exploring the natural world.

But they have simultaneously obscured a wide range of subjective phenomena, including consciousness itself, and in this way dogmatic adherence to these assumptions has limited scientific research and impoverished our understanding of nature as a whole.

In this book I argue that in an analogous way, rigorous inquiry into the nature of consciousness may upset many of the assumptions of scientific materialism, which has erroneously excluded the subjectively experienced mind from the domain of the natural world.

Another ideal of science is skepticism: one seeks to identify unquestioned assumptions, to question common sense, and to critically examine appearances themselves, for they have often been found to be misleading.

Scientific knowledge advances in part by a healthy skepticism of long-cherished assumptions, but it is impossible to be skeptical of something of which we are not even conscious.

Just as medieval theology took the most general principles as its starting point, so did scientific materialism begin with large metaphysical assumptions and not simply with particular facts discovered by observation or experiment.

It has made deep inroads into the humanities, and its unexamined assumptions have a hold within nearly every field of scholarship.

For such research we must explore what can be done with fewer assumptions, namely, fewer assumptions than those of scientific materialism, which have been inhibiting the scientific study of subjective reality for centuries.

The purpose of raising such questions is not to undermine the credibility of science but to encourage the healthy note of skepticism concerning unchallenged assumptions that has always helped sustain the rigor of scientific inquiry.

To what extent have the assumptions of scientific materialism not only limited scientific research but introduced distortions or even delusions into this mode of inquiry?

Moreover, among the entire range of scientific theories, none has more severely challenged the metaphysical assumptions of scientific materialism.

But now quantum theory, the most successful of all physical theories, appears to be the single greatest threat to the credibility of the metaphysical assumptions of scientific materialism.

What made him all the more threatening was that he was concerned not only with the details and methodology of the empirical study of the mind but with examining the philosophical assumptions of scientific materialism itself.

Indeed, the development and employment of such empirical tools of research have been instrumental in enabling modern science to leave behind false assumptions based on common sense as well as antiquated dogmas.