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n. (plural of arsehole English)

Usage examples of "arseholes".

Those incompetent arseholes in Building Security have screwed up again.

I always knew one of you bitter arseholes would get through in the end.

I cannae picture Matt Black comin' back fae America just tae see us arseholes again, eh?

He'd sent a couple more expendable arseholes below stairs anyway, to have a hunt for this Hutchison character and whoever had seen off Booth.

Weel, then, why are they wastin' ye on silly things like door-guard­ing, when ye might be makin' yourself useful smelling gouty toes and pustulant arseholes?

By now, they've been marched to and fro so much that they can't tell their pricks from their arseholes—saving your presence, mum," he added, with a distracted glance at me, "and Clanranald's men have been having fistfights with Glen­garry's.