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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Aristarch \Ar"is*tarch\, n. [From Aristarchus, a Greek grammarian and critic, of Alexandria, about 200 b. c.] A severe critic.

Usage examples of "aristarch".

The Pythnans purchased from the Aristarchs a formidable weapon: a flock of spring-steel harpies, clockwork airborne carnivores guided by such basic spells as their field marshals could command, and able to scour the largest ramparts bare of defenders in mere moments.

The Aristarchs—the body of commercial oligarchs which governed the city—had beseeched the Oracle of the Flockwarden for some remedy to the civic anguish.

The Goddess-in-Glass—for this she was called as often as Flockwarden by the mercenaries—had, through the oracle, declared that her aid in this crisis could be procured, but first the Aristarchs must, in pledge of earnest allegiance on their part, procure for the Goddess this sizable expeditionary force of first-quality professionals.

And the Aristarchs, after mature consideration, declined to undertake so great an expense for so vague a behest.

Naturally both belligerents have staffs of diplomats obligatorily hosted by the Aristarchs in the comfort of their own homes, and these diplomats keep a daily roll-count of all the city's rich and powerful men and of their liquid assets, to ensure that both remain at home.

I thank the stars that I'm a near connection of Aristarch Hamp—through whom I have the sextonship—and that I can make some modest claim to civic position and consequence without it.

We might even be so lucky as to hear some of the priestess' remarks to the Aristarchs.

The Aristarchs, you see, since they never allow considerations of personal gain to bias their legislative policies, have never had anything to fear from public audience of their proceedings.

Kandros concluded, "certain persons, under certain conditions, can oblige the Aristarchs to assemble here even when their sense of delicacy might prompt them to prefer a more discreet kind of conference.

She stood on a high rostrum, half-ringed by marble tiers where the Aristarchs sat.

The Aristarchs will only remain cooperative if they are dealt with firmly and unequivocally from the start.

The Aristarchs can levy twenty from our own merchant fleets alone, and they'll willingly underwrite the procural of fifteen more from the Shallows or the Aristoz Islands.

His challenging look elicited some uncomfortable nods and murmurs of support from his fellow Aristarchs.

A procession of coaches was pulling up in front of it, and already several of the Aristarchs were stepping down.

It was out of respect for her power—" (the priestess pointed toward the sanctum) "—and not the Aristarchs'.