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a. perceptive


adj. able to relate new percepts to past experience


Usage examples of "apperceptive".

Instead, cool media invite the kind of open reception that Michael Taussig, elaborating on Walter Benjamin, calls distraction: "a very different apperceptive mode, a type of flitting and barely conscious peripheral visual perception.

Sensations and apperceptive ideas fuse here so intimately that you can no more tell where one begins and the other ends, than you can tell, in those cunning circular panoramas that have lately been exhibited, where the real foreground and the painted canvas join together.

Had I known the precariousness of my ascent, with a corpse as entrammeling cargo, I would have thrown myself upon the nearest rock face and clung to it like an apperceptive lichen.

Then the partial concepts became complete, and her full apperceptive mass responded.

The eye constituted the substantial majority of its apperceptive mass.