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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Apocalyptic \A*poc`a*lyp"tic\ ([.a]*p[o^]k`[.a]*l[i^]p"t[i^]k), Apocalyptist \A*poc`a*lyp"tist\, n. The writer of the Apocalypse.

Usage examples of "apocalyptist".

To the apocalyptist, who literally awaits the Great Uncovering, all coincidence is synchronicity, all accident revelation.

Jewish Apocalyptists had already attributed pre-existence to the expected Messiah, as to other precious things in the Old Testament history and worship, and, without any thought of denying his human nature, placed him as already existing before his appearing in a series of angelic beings.

The Apocalyptists and Rabbis attributed pre-existence, that is, a heavenly origin to many sacred things and persons, such as the Patriarchs, Moses, the Tabernacle, the Temple vessels, the city of Jerusalem.

The Jewish speculations about Angels and Mediators, which at the time of Christ grew very luxuriantly among the Scribes and Apocalyptists, and endangered the purity and vitality of the Old Testament idea of God, were also very important for the development of Christian dogmatics.

If the world was created for the sake of the people of Israel, and the Apocalyptists expressly taught that, then it follows, that in the thought of God Israel was older than the world.

That holds good also of the Apocalyptists and the poets of the Christian Sibylline sayings.

In short, if we can ward off the Apocalyptist lunacy by giving Vornan-19 a seal of approval, it's worth a bit of moral compromise.

In short, if we can ward off the Apocalyptist lunacy by giving Vornan-19 a seal of approval, it’.