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adv. With annoyance.

Usage examples of "annoyedly".

A pair of hippopotamus-sized, apparently vegetarian, denizens of Great Gruesome followed him part of the way, bellowing annoyedly, but undertook no overt action.

He watched with bright eyes as Calhoun annoyedly went to the emergency equipment locker and brought out the apparatus designed to take care of problems like this.

Merlain exclaimed annoyedly, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her hips.

Dr Thackery settled himself in the chair opposite her desk with the air of a man who had all day in which to do nothing, and although the talk was of all the patients and their treatment, she was annoyedly aware that he was watching her, and when he got up to go she jumped up with alacrity, eager to see the last of him, terrified that he might make some remark about Bruce and destroy her hard-held calm.