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n. (plural of animation English)

Usage examples of "animations".

Thus, the virtual world would contain two kinds of inhabitants: humanoid "animations," manipulated by the computer.

The test would be to see if the machine could make the behavior of the animations indistinguishable.

For, far from modeling themselves on the surrogates, the system animations seemed to be going off into self-reinforcing behavior patterns of their own, while—if his own and Lilly's cases were anything to go by—the surrogates had become misfits.

In the same way, when the system sought deeper understandings of what motivated the surrogates, it put animations around them to ask its questions for it.

But the machine could also put pseudopeople of its own in there too—`animations.

Its brief would be simply to make its animations behave similarly, which it could accomplish from external observables.

Pinocchio provides the basics of a suitable vehicle for driving both the surrogates and the animations.

A multitasking expansion of Jenny Leddell's Perseus system from MIT could drive the animations.

The environment and the animations would stimulate each other into coevolving: one of the most powerful evolutionary mechanisms there is.

Like people, the animations would shape their lives and personalities by pursuing goals.

The intention was that these goals would arise internally, according to the animations' individual natures and experiences, rather than be imposed from without.

Or was that simply how any two real people would affect each other after twelve subjective years among animations?

To impress one of Feller & Faber's moneyed clients, Borth had commissioned a marketing analyst to massage the data from some test runs of "proto-animations" (i.

Also, we'll be introducing the first real-world surrogates: operators coupled into the simulation to act as models for the animations to learn to emulate.

In particular, the animations weren't copying the surrogates but had gone off on a zany tangent of their own instead.