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n. (plural of anarchist English)

Anarchists (film)

Anarchists is a 2000 South Korean action film directed by Yoo Young-sik and co-written by Park Chan-wook. Set in Shanghai in 1924, the film is about a covert cell of insurrectionist anarchists who attempt to overthrow the Japanese government's occupation of Korea through propaganda of the deed. Told from the perspective of the youngest member, Sang-gu, years after the fact, the story is a sympathetic look at a group of revolutionaries through the eyes of one of their own.

Anarchists (disambiguation)

Anarchists are those who consider the state to be unnecessary, harmful, or otherwise undesirable, and favour instead a stateless society.

Anarchists may also refer to:

  • Anarchists (film), a 2000 action film
  • The Anarchists (film), a 2015 French film
  • The Anarchists (book), a 1964 history book
  • Die Anarchisten, an 1891 book about anarchism
  • "The Anarchists", a song by Léo Ferré
  • Anarchism (book), a 1962 book about the history of anarchism by George Woodcock

Usage examples of "anarchists".

Haymarket Anarchists, no doubt is left that a fivefold legal murder had been committed in Chicago, in 1887.

The saloon of Justus Schwab, at Number Fifty, First Street, was the center where gathered Anarchists, litterateurs, and bohemians.

The anti-Socialist legislation of Germany and Austria had driven thousands of Socialists and Anarchists across the seas to seek refuge in America.

The ideas of the German-speaking Anarchists had at that time not yet become clarified.

Alexander Berkman has survived the Pennsylvania Inferno, and is back again in the ranks of the militant Anarchists, his spirit unbroken, his soul full of enthusiasm for the ideals of his youth.

The Anarchists developed a strenuous propaganda among the unemployed and the strikers.

If Socialists and Anarchists were to be permitted to continue agitating, there was imminent danger that the workingmen would soon learn to understand the manner in which they are robbed of the joy and happiness of life.

Among others she also met at this time a number of American Anarchists, and formed the friendship of Voltairine de Cleyre, Wm.

In 1894 the struggle of the Anarchists in France reached its highest expression.

With feverish anxiety the Anarchists throughout the world followed this social struggle.

She also devoted her energies to organizing the tours of other well known Anarchists, principally those of Charles W.

Although there was absolutely no foundation for the accusation, she, together with other prominent Anarchists, was arrested in Chicago, kept in confinement for several weeks, and subjected to severest cross-examination.

It is not generally known that it is the Anarchists who are mainly instrumental in insuring the success, moral as well as financial, of most of the radical undertakings.

During the last several decades it was chiefly the Anarchists who had organized all the great revolutionary efforts, and aided in every struggle for liberty.

But for fear of shocking the respectable mob, who looks upon the Anarchists as the apostles of Satan, and because of their social position in bourgeois society, the would-be radicals ignore the activity of the Anarchists.