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The Collaborative International Dictionary

alerting \alerting\ n. (Physiol.) a state of readiness to respond. alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG

Syn: alertness

2. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger.

Syn: alert


vb. (present participle of alert English)

  1. n. a state of readiness to respond; "alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG" [syn: alertness]

  2. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger [syn: alert]

Usage examples of "alerting".

They had not dared to risk making a noise as they approached the temple for fear of alerting the real lamas below.

Accordingly, we are alerting all the patrol bases and the major spaceports in the Solar System to prepare for an armed conflict.

Julian, his intuition alerting him that something had run amuck, appeared at my side.

Alden asked Becky and Lily, who were working from opposite ends of the front garden intending to meet in the middle, although Becky, by extra exertion, planned to clear more than her fair share of the leaves and so spare Lily at least a little effort without alerting Lily that this courtesy was being accomplished.

Holmes had cabled ahead, alerting Deets of my arrival, and the same carriage and driver, Alfred, awaited me at the Litchfield station.

It swims slowly, conserving its energy, not alerting its prey, commonly flatworms and tiny-segmented creatures, predominantly isopods.

She could not get near the girl, either directly or indirectly by means of her dacoits, without alerting her to the peril she lay in and probably causing her to bolt for yet another far country.

Sirens blared overhead, no doubt alerting all of Chrysalis of his incursion into the reactor’s control room.

But it is also scientists who, in most such cases, have blown the whistle alerting us to the danger.

By now, I imagine, couriers have been dispatched to every port on the Erythrean Sea, alerting the garrisons.

It arrived by cable, alerting him to an Eyes-Only-Chairman message en route in the diplomatic pouch.

It doesn't risk lives sending ships into God knows what, and, more important, we may get a glimpse of another El Dorado without alerting the local Bugs.

They boasted that a butterfly could not make a forced landing anywhere in the United States without alerting the search & rescue system.

They boasted that a butterfly could not make a forced landing anywhere in the United States without alerting the search &amp.

Guardian spells all over the world would be freaking out, alerting the Gatekeeper and the Council of something like that.