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air attache

n. a military attache who is a commissioned or warrant officer in an air force

Usage examples of "air attache".

The man who featured most prominently in these reports was the Air Attache at the German Legation, a Captain Kurt von Ziegler.

The British air attache, whomhe had known in Berlin, finally took him in hand and pointed out the building where Yevlenko had not long ago given him a red-hot dressing-down, over the diversion of forty Lend-Lease Aircobra fighters to the British forces in the North African landings.

In the embassy gymnasium, the assistant air attache showed Luis the correct way to fall when landing by parachute.

My contact in the American Air Attache's office at the American embassy in Cairo has no record of a Patrick McLanahan in the American military.

We have our Air Attache in Moscow sitting down with their people right now,&quot.