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vb. (context American spelling English) (alternative form of aerosolise English)

  1. v. disperse as an aerosol; "The bacteria suspension was aerosolized" [syn: aerosolise]

  2. become dispersed as an aerosol; "the bacteria quickly aerosolised" [syn: aerosolise]

Usage examples of "aerosolize".

For example, the Japanese terrorist group Aum Shinrikyo, which was responsible for the release of deadly Sarin gas in the Tokyo subway system in 1995, had previously tried to disperse aerosolized anthrax and botulism throughout Tokyo on several occasions.

In an analysis that is over thirty years old and conducted long before we developed the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile and early-mobilization program, the World Health Organization estimated in 1970 that the release of aerosolized anthrax over a densely populated area with 5 million people could result in 250,000 casualties, 100,000 of whom would die unless treated.

And a cloud of tiny engines, so small that millions could fit inside a single human cell, burst out of his mouth and throat, riding on minuscule aerosolized bubbles of moisture, floating away from his lips in invisible clouds, spreading out, some searching for other male human hosts, others for ways into the vast network of computers that maintained Comsat One.

Biotech companies are using aerosolized DNA to try to get the necessary gene into the lungs of CF patients.