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The Collaborative International Dictionary

adrenocorticotrophic \adrenocorticotrophic\ adrenocorticotropic \adrenocorticotropic\adj. 1. stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex


a. adrenocorticotropic


adj. stimulating or acting on the adrenal cortex [syn: adrenocorticotropic]

Usage examples of "adrenocorticotrophic".

It works this way-any kind if stress situation causes the pituitary gland to release a protein substance called adrenocorticotrophic hormone, ACTH for short.

INDEX INDEX Abduc«ns nerve, 207 Accessory nerve, 208 Acetylcholine, 132 autonomic nervous system and, 218 Achromatism, 297 Acoustic area, 177 Acoustic nerve, 208, 265 Acromegaly, 95 ACTH, 82 autonomic nervous system and, 219 Addison, Thomas, 76 Addison's disease, 76 ADH, 63 Adrenal glands, 40 Adrenalin, 41 schizophrenia and, 335 Adrenergic nerves, 218 Adrenochrome, 335 Adrenocorticotrophic hormone, 82 Alanine, 10 Albinos, eyes of, 276, 277 Aldosterone, 80 Allergies, histamine and, 43-44 All-or-none law, 137 Alpha waves, 178 Amine group, 9 Amino acids, 8 abbreviations of, 11, 12 arrangements of, 14, 15, 36 Amino acids, contd.

The hormone that does so is named, very reasonably, the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ad-ree'noh-kawr'tih-koh-troh'fic.