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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Adhesive plaster

Adhesive \Ad*he"sive\, a. [Cf. F. adh['e]sif.]

  1. Sticky; tenacious, as glutinous substances.

  2. Apt or tending to adhere; clinging.

    Adhesive attraction. (Physics) See Attraction.

    Adhesive inflammation (Surg.), that kind of inflammation which terminates in the reunion of divided parts without suppuration.

    Adhesive plaster, a sticking; a plaster containing resin, wax, litharge, and olive oil.

adhesive plaster

n. adhesive tape used in dressing wounds [syn: plaster, sticking plaster]

Usage examples of "adhesive plaster".

And, like the recruits, Unk had a strip of adhesive plaster running from the crown of his head to the nape of his neck.

On top of this went a Stent mold, a tin guard, and more adhesive plaster.

Once he turned to me, his eyes wild, his face looking grey and slightly crazy with his nose covered with adhesive plaster.

He heard Spud's inarticulate attempts to speak behind his adhesive plaster gag and the enveloping canvas bag over his head.

And finally, with cruel pleasure, he added a large patch of adhesive plaster over their mouths.

Before Pearl knew what was happening another man pressed a large piece of adhesive plaster over her lips, she was forced back to back with the protesting young man, who was similarly gagged, and they were tied, by the wrists and ankles with grocer's string.

My hurt was very trifling: a piece of adhesive plaster on the two orifices was all the surgical assistance that I either had or required.

In addition, the lord was encumbered with a truly impressive white cross on his face, the strips of adhesive plaster helping to hold his shattered nose in shape.

Tommy opened a first aid kit he found in the wall cabinet and swabbed the welt on his scalp with mercurochrome, dusted it with antiseptic powder and applied an adhesive plaster.

Drake watched him from across the cabin, a small adhesive plaster covering the cut on his forehead.

It was sealed round with adhesive plaster and firmly fastened down, but Tuppence, by the aid of Tommy's knife, soon managed to open it.

If he brought the police here the agents would have time, ample time, a whole minute even, to use a needle or hustle him out of sight and leave him dead with his shirt torn open and the adhesive plaster ripped from his skin - because that was where the product was, not in his pockets but on his body.

His face was pale and there was a large adhesive plaster on his forehead.

A common adhesive plaster was applied to the part after the sea-bathing.