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n. (alternative form of addle pate English)

Usage examples of "addlepate".

Grinning to signify my pleasure, I thanked Madog with a bow, which set the old addlepate chuckling and gurgling in delight all the rest of the night.

No timid lass, or simpering addlepate, but a woman with true mettle and depth.

It was a trial to speak of her loss under any circumstances, and to expose her private grief to an addlepated and hostile young man was an extremely distasteful prospect.

We suppose that since the addlepated Munsterians will no doubt insist on yet another Norman bastard of the same FitzGerald ilk, with all that house's inbred faults, this FitzRobert is as good choice as any of them.

You might have discovered that none of those things have ever been proved, that I've never been convicted of any of them or even brought to trial, that there isn't the single ghost of a charge he could bring against me today, and that I'm known to be getting pretty damn tired of having every dumb cop in creation ringing my doorbell and making me listen to a lot of addlepated blather that he can't prove.

Not that he ain't about as nose-in-th'-air as I've ever seen, but he ain't addlepated, not a bit of it.

He realized that he had unthinkingly spoken in Master: an addlepated mistake, possibly a fatal one if that happened to be a rebel sentry who was marching around down there.

But then that howling pack of addlepates, the Fitz Geralds, trooped into Corcaigh and, cozening Ser Timoteo with a need to invest Righ Sean as ri or chief of Fitz Gerald, managed to get the poor bastard to themselves long enough to murder him, then roused the townsfolk, somehow won to them the Ifriqan mercenary cavalry, and first attacked the royal palace, which was defended by the condotta of di Bolgia, then poured out of the city and threw themselves at what was by then left of my besiegers.

Addlepated as he was, Nasin could go in a blink from honeyed words of courtly love to groping at her as if she were the lowest sort of tavern maid.