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achieved status

n. (context sociology English) A social status of a person that is acquired, such as being an Olympic athlete, being a criminal, or being a college professor.

Achieved status

Achieved status is a concept developed by the anthropologist Ralph Linton denoting a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit; it is a position that is earned or chosen. It is the opposite of ascribed status. It reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. Examples of achieved status are being an Olympic athlete, being a criminal, or being a college professor.

Status is important sociologically because it comes with a set of rights, obligations, behaviors, and duties that people occupying a certain position are expected or encouraged to perform. These expectations are referred to as roles. For instance, the role of a "professor" includes teaching students, answering their questions, being impartial, appropriately.

Usage examples of "achieved status".

Thus those aspects of a woman associated with reproduction were stressed -- breasts, buttocks, thighs, belly, vulva -- and those who approached such proportions may have achieved status.